Gplay - TV streaming where and when you want.
With Gplay you can stream live TV on 4 of your devices. Furthermore, the service provides the possibility to go back up to 48 hours, if you missed your favourite programme or movie. We call this feature Catch up.
Your subscription can be used on four devices (smartphones, tablets, smartTV or computer) All it takes is a stable internet connection. You can also connect Gplay to your TV via Chromecast.
• Stream live TV
• Catch up - Watch programmes that have already been broadcasted
• Scroll in Catch up programmes
• Connect to your TV via Chromecast
Note: In order to use Gplay, it is necessary to create a user account.
Gplay is only functional within Denmark and cannot be used outside the Danish and EU borders.
NOTE! It costs DKK 12,-/month to have Chromecast enabled. It is a payment claim from the copyright owner Copydan Verdens TV.